Legal Help With A Broad Range Of Ohio Family Law Matters
As a family law specialist,* certified by the Ohio State Bar Association, I have more than 22 years of experience helping individuals and families navigate the court systems in Canton and surrounding areas.
My experience as an Ohio family law attorney includes:
- Post-divorce judgments: Including modifying child support and spousal support (alimony) payments.
- Custody issues: Including termination of parental orders, paternity litigation and fathers’ rights issues.
- Support enforcement: Including legal measures to enforce child support and alimony payments, as well as negotiating a workout to help obligors meet the terms of their judgments.
- Motions to relocate with a custodial child: Including negotiating settlements with the noncustodial parent to resolve disputes.
- Prenuptial agreements and post-marital contracts: Valid agreements regarding predisposition of personal property as individual property excluded from a property settlement, in the event of divorce.
- Domestic violence: Including orders of protection and enforcement.
- Adoption: Including agency adoption and stepparent adoption.

OSBA Board-Certified Family Law Specialist — A Lawyer With A Heart
From my offices in Canton, I advise and represent clients in Ohio family law matters in Stark and surrounding counties. Call my offices at 330-497-1300 or send the email contact form with a brief explanation of your legal needs.
*Certified by the Ohio State Bar Association Board Of Legal Specialization