Custody Attorney – Certified Family Law Specialist
Child custody and child support are often the most important issues to be resolved in divorce. Some spouses are willing to give up everything in the property settlement, as long as they remain an important part of their child’s life.
Rest assured, Ohio family law courts expect both parents to retain an active role in raising their children. It may help to remember that child custody does not mean child ownership. Withholding the noncustodial parent’s visitation rights as a means of enforcing child support is not legal. Although some spouses don’t always like to hear this, if you are the parent of the child, you will have the right to maintain an important part of your child’s life.
Ohio State Bar Association Board-Certified Family Law Specialist
I am Ohio family law certified specialist* Susan Pucci, Attorney at Law, in Canton. As a family law attorney, I have been protecting the best interests and welfare of children in divorce and custody disputes for more than 20 years. If custody and visitation rights will be an important part of your divorce or other family law matter, I am ready to help you feel confident that everything will be okay — particularly your children.

“I represent child custody clients in Canton and surrounding areas.”

Whether Simple Or Complex Disputes — Your Child’s Welfare Comes First
While most child custody and child support matters are straightforward under Ohio law, there are some issues that can become complex. I work with a network of child welfare professionals to make sure we get the custody and parenting issues right.
I have experience with complex custody issues such as:
- Parental drug and alcohol addiction
- Alienation of affection
- Child abuse accusations
- Parent in jail or prison
- Grandparents’ rights, extended family custody rights
- Guardianship and conservatorship issues
- Child support obligations and enforcement
- Military deployment
- Teenage child requesting a different visitation schedule
- Termination of parental rights
- Reversal of custody
- Motions to relocate with a custodial child
Contact A Lawyer Who Cares
Call my office in Canton to discuss your circumstances related to custody and parenting time. We will schedule a time to sit down together to talk about your best options for moving forward. I can be reached by phone at 330-497-1300 or by email.
*Certified by the Ohio State Bar Association Board Of Legal Specialization